Apr 3, 2024 at 07:03 pm —
Explore Teluk Intan 探索安顺

Explore Teluk Intan 探索安顺

Explore Teluk Intan(Anson), a hidden gem that combines history, culture, natural ecology, and gastronomy!   History and Heritage: Teluk Intan , situated along the PERAK River, traces its roots back to the days of the Malacca Sultanate when a prince landed at the mouth of the Bagan Datuk , PERAK River and established the Perak Sultanate. Over the years, Anshun flourished as a bustling port city. Today, it is renowned for being the habitat of thousands of egrets at the river mouth, forming a mesmerizing sight especially during sunset. Another landmark of Teluk Intan  is the unique leaning tower, also known as the Eastern Leaning Tower and Great Clock Tower, which became an accidental geological landmark and a tourist hotspot.   In addition to the egret island (Pulau Bangau)and the leaning tower, Teluk Intan  boasts numerous awe-inspiring historical sites. The Fu Shun Gong temple, a significant symbol of Chinese culture in Malaysia, bears witness to Teluk Intan ‘s rich history. Moreover, the ancient Guangdong temple with its traditional architectural style and profound historical significance commands respect.   Gastronomic Delights: Teluk Intan  isn’t just about natural landscapes; it’s also a paradise for food lovers! In addition to the mentioned delicacies like enhanced Chee Cheong Fen, river-fresh prawns, crabs, seafood, crispy fried mice, Hainanese coffee, and the ethnic Brianny  Rice with fried chicken, there are many more authentic local dishes awaiting your palate. Try the renowned Teluk Intan   chicken, turmeric rice with curry, curry noodles, and the shaved ice at the 58 Stalls Food Court and Queen Street. From oil-fried cakes to satay, mee rebus, laksa, Nasi Lemak, and wonton noodles, your taste buds are in for an unexpected treat.   Cultural Journey: Beyond historical landmarks and culinary delights, Teluk Intan  offers a vibrant cultural experience. Visit local handicraft workshops to admire bamboo artworks by local artisans. Experience the traditional Malaysian night market, Pasar Malam, and immerse yourself in its unique cultural charm. Stroll through the streets and alleys of Teluk Intan  to witness the harmonious coexistence of different ethnicities and religions.   Natural Wonders: Teluk Intan  not only boasts enchanting river views and egret islands but also offers a diverse array of natural landscapes waiting to be discovered. Explore the fruit orchards and bee farms nestled amidst verdant hills and clear waters, immersing yourself in the fresh air. Experience the tranquility and beauty of nature at jungle resorts on the outskirts of Teluk Intan, where you may experience wildlife encounters.   The morning market in the Ba Wei  village is another highlight. As dawn breaks, the market bustles with vendors and crowds. Authentic Teluk Intan delicacies such as enhanced Chee Cheong Fen, traditional coffee, fragrant curry noodles, and homemade Nasi Lemak add a unique flavor to your breakfast. The bustling market offers a glimpse into rural life, exuding a rustic charm and a sense of nostalgia for those returning from the city.   Whether you’re interested in history and culture or gastronomy and nature, Teluk Intan  has something to offer for everyone. Embark on a unique journey to explore this charming semi-urban riverside city! Please click link below for more info https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgfTFPA/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgPNFm2/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgfw6fv/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqLoXEE/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqLW64o/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqNNnpu/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqYkbBr/   #TelukIntanTravel #MalaysianCulture #CulinaryExperience #ScenicExperience #SeeingIsBelieving #FoodExploration #IpohTreats #ipohtreats www.ipohtreats.com 探索安顺,一个融合了历史、文化、自然生态和美食的隐藏绝美之地   历史及遗迹 安顺,位于下吡叻河旁。当年马六甲王朝王子在下吡叻河口登陆Bagan Datuk ,后来创立吡叻王朝,安顺就在吡叻河口,曾是繁华的港口。 近年由于地理位置,气候温和,成为世界白鹭的身地,群聚于河口的白鹭岛,夕阳下万鸟归巢更构成迷人奇景。安顺另一个地标就是世界唯二钭塔(东方斜塔大钟楼),更是在偶然地质变迁下成为了安顺地标,旅游胜地。 除了吡叻河畔的白鹭岛和钭塔,安顺还有更多令人叹为观止的历史遗迹。福顺宫是其中之一,这座神殿见证了安顺悠久的历史,是中华文化在马来西亚的重要象征。此外,广东古庙也是一处值得一游的地方,其古老的建筑风格和深厚的历史底蕴让人心生敬意。 美食体验 安顺不仅仅是一个自然景观的胜地,还是美食的天堂!除了已提到的加料猪肠粉、河鲜大头虾丶螃蟹、海鲜、马蹄酥、海南咖啡、友族的扁担饭和炸鸡外,这里还有更多令人垂涎的道地美食等待您的体验。尝一尝著名的安顺白切鸡、黄姜饭配咖喱,咖喱面、58档小食中心及皇后街内的刨冰,油炸,沙爹、mee rebus、老鼠粉,Nasi Lemak 和云吞面,您的味蕾将有意外的惊喜,享受美味到极致!   文化之旅 除了历史古迹和美食之外,安顺还有丰富多彩的文化体验等待着您。参观当地的手工艺制作坊,欣赏艺术家们的竹制作品;体验马来西亚传统夜市Pasar Malam ,感受文化的独特魅力;漫步在安顺的街头小巷,领略不同民族和宗教的和谐共生。   自然奇观 安顺不仅有着迷人的河景和白鹭岛,还有丰富多样的自然景观等待您的发现。探索青山绿水间的果林和银蜂养殖地,徜徉于清新的空气中;在安顺的郊外民宿,体验丛林和野生动物偶遇,感受大自然的宁静清幽之美。   早晨的芭尾新村市集也是一大特色。天刚破晓,市集内已人潮拥挤,摊贩聚集。安顺道地美食加料猪肠粉、村头老店的咖啡香、香气四溢的咖喱面, 有家的Nasi Lemah ( 人营)等等将为你的早餐增添别样的味道。早晨市场内琳琅满目的蔬菜、肉类、鱼虾海鲜,无不展现着丰富的乡村生活,充满了乡下纯仆气息,人情味及让来自乡下孩子,久居闹市后回到家乡的感觉。   无论您是追寻历史文化,还是品味美食自然,安顺都能满足您的所有愿望。来一场别样的旅行,探索这个充满魅力的半城乡河口城市吧请点击视频链接 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgf7YMc/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgPRfGR/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFgfWAkQ/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqLoXEE/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqLW64o/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqNNnpu/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqYkbBr/  #安顺之旅 #马来西亚文化  #美食体验 #美景体验 #百闻不如一见百见不如亲身体验 #美食探索 #怡保特旅食 #ipohtreats  www.ipohtreats.com   read more
IPOH TREATS RESOURCES added 8 new photos in 大自然优美的环境
Nov 30, 2023 at 02:46 pm —
IPOH TREATS RESOURCES added new photo in Non Halal - Chinese cuisine/ Restaurant
Oct 5, 2023 at 07:40 pm —
Dimsum Paradise 御宝轩港式点心

Dimsum Paradise 御宝轩港式点心

Dimsum Paradise: A Culinary Gem in Ipoh   Nestled in the picturesque city of Ipoh, where nature's beauty meets vibrant culture, a new culinary star has emerged on the scene. In recent years, Ipoh has blossomed into a food paradise, drawing food enthusiasts from all corners of the country. Among its many culinary delights, dim sum takes center stage, with both longstanding favorites and exciting newcomers vying for attention.     read more
IPOH TREATS RESOURCES added new photo in Non Halal - Cafe
May 31, 2023 at 06:13 pm —
Little Hong Antique cafe 康少古董餐厅

Little Hong Antique cafe 康少古董餐厅

 A Gastronomic Antique Dining Experience: Journey Back in Time   Introduction: Step into the world of antique treasures and nostalgic flavors as we proudly present Kang's Antique Restaurant, a culmination of a lifelong passion for antique collection, research, and traditional flavors. Merging Chinese and Nanyang cultures, this authentic dining establishment brings together classic tastes and antique charm under one roof.   A Feast for the Senses: Beyond the antique furniture, immerse yourself in the captivating world of Chinese calligraphy and painting, brought to life by local artists . The strokes of the brush and the elegance of ink  creating an atmosphere of classical refinement. This haven of culinary delights, antique treasures, and artistic displays, will leave an indelible impression in your heart. Here, you will savor traditional flavors, relish authentic cuisine, appreciate coffee, tea, antiques, and culture, all while reminiscing about life's precious moments. It truly is a feast for both the palate and the soul.   Kang's Signature Dishes: One must-try dish at Kang's Antique Restaurant is the Uji Chicken Mee Sua. 乌鸡面线Its clear yet fragrant broth, infused with medicinal herbs and the succulent sweetness of Uji chicken, will captivate your taste buds. The Uji chicken, combined with ingredients like Chinese yam, danggui (Angelica sinensis), wolfberries, astragalus, and other seasonings, is slow-cooked to perfection. This is an exceptionally popular choice that is rarely found elsewhere—only true connoisseurs will know to order it!   Another highlight is Kang's Prawn Mee. The delicate, chewy noodles, golden-hued egg, and plump, flavorful prawns create a delectable harmony. The abundant garnishes of fresh scallion oil add an aromatic touch. The piping hot soup is the soul of this dish, rivaling even the famous prawn mee of Penang. Upon inquiry, I discovered that the mastermind behind this authentic and Nanyang-flavored delicacy was Kang's sister-in-law, originally from Penang. No wonder it possesses such a perfect blend of local authenticity and Nanyang flair.   Nasi Lemak, a beloved national dish in Malaysia, is also a must-try at Kang's Antique Restaurant. The fragrant aroma of coconut milk-infused rice fills the air, accompanied by pandan leaves. The fluffy and flavorful rice is paired with side dishes like fried egg, Indian papadum, fried chicken, fried anchovies, cucumber and sambal sauce. The fried chicken and fried anchovies are crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, delivering an exceptional taste experience. It truly embodies the favorite dish of Malaysians from all walks of life!   For dessert, indulge in the Longan Red Dates with Snow white Fungus. The combination of longan, snow white fungus, and red dates creates a delightful sweetness and a silky texture. The addition of red dates and rock sugar enhances the aroma and richness of this dessert. It is a perfect treat for an afternoon tea or a sweet ending to a meal, beloved by a wide range of patrons.   Come and Experience it Yourself: While words can only convey so much, and photos can capture but a glimpse, the true essence of Kang's Antique Restaurant, with its fusion of Chinese calligraphy, antique decor, and nostalgic flavors, can only be fully experienced in person. Immerse yourself in the rich Chinese cultural ambiance and the myriad of Nanyang influences through the flavors that transport you to a bygone era. It is an experience that must be savored to truly appreciate its profound cultural significance and the diverse Nanyang culture Read more in Ipoh travel kaki  More business information        read more
IPOH TREATS RESOURCES added new photo in Non Halal - Chinese cuisine/ Restaurant
May 26, 2023 at 11:33 pm —
Ipoh Hakka Restaurant 客家菜馆

Ipoh Hakka Restaurant 客家菜馆

Hakka cuisine is renowned for its long-standing tradition of stews and stuffed dishes, which have been beloved by food enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.  Ceif Wen has inherited the authentic recipes of traditional Hakka dishes and incorporated the meticulous preparation techniques of Pusing Hakka cuisine with the influence of Nanyang culture, creating a unique blend of traditional and Nanyang-flavored Hakka culinary artistry. During the early migration of the Chinese from China to Perak, Malaya , the people settled in areas such as Papan and Pusing. Mainly comprising Guangdong Hakka people, they were predominantly engaged in tin mining. Mr. Wen's grandparents were among these early settlers, true-blooded Pusing natives. Mr. Wen's father was also an excellent cook of Hakka cuisine, often taking charge of the kitchen during joyous festive occasions in the village. Mr. Wen, inheriting his father's culinary genes, developed a deep passion and talent for Hakka cuisine. In his youth, he worked in the food and beverage industry in London, demonstrating his perseverance, ambition, and quick-wittedness, which greatly endeared him to his elders. Through fortuitous circumstances, he had the opportunity to learn from a master chef from Hakka village of Sha Tau Kok, Hong Kong, than acquired authentic Hakka cooking techniques.  In Hakka culture, family reunion and filial piety hold great importance as core values. Therefore, we have chosen the theme of marriage and family celebration, as the decorative motif for our restaurant. With a sincere desire to preserve the flavors of yesteryears, promote Hakka culture, and evoke nostalgia for the tastes of Pusing's hometown, we are delighted to present an array of authentic Hakka dishes for the public to savor. Hakka culture has a long and rich history, traditional Hakka dishes prioritize the natural flavors of ingredients, emphasizing delicate cooking techniques and precise control of cooking time to bring out the innate deliciousness of the ingredients. Signature dishes include the classic Hakka banquets, Hakka Stew  Tofu Puffs 焖豆腐卜, Stir-Fried Pork with Black Fungus木耳猪肉, Bamboo Shoots竹笋, and Hakka Abacus 算盘子. We have also incorporated the unique Nanyang culture , infusing traditional Hakka culinary skills to create a delectable dish of Pusing Hakka Duck布先狗仔鸭, showcasing a blend of Nanyang characteristics. Hakka cuisine exemplifies the Hakka people's distinctive use of ingredients and culinary techniques, reflecting their diligent and thrifty way of life, as well as the cherished values of family, kinship, and tradition in Hakka culture. It is an integral part of Hakka culinary heritage. We hope that our Hakka restaurant can add a touch of flavor to Ipoh's gastronomic paradise and contribute to the preservation and promotion of Hakka culinary artistry and culture. Read more in Ipoh travel kaki  More business information        read more
IPOH TREATS RESOURCES added new photo in Non Halal - Cafe
May 26, 2023 at 05:25 pm —
Ipoh Glass House Golf Cafe 皇家高尔夫吹水站

Ipoh Glass House Golf Cafe 皇家高尔夫吹水站

Ipoh, the hill city located in the Kinta Valley, was once renowned worldwide as the largest producer of tin in its heyday. It created a prosperous era, attracting prominent mining magnates, business tycoons, influential merchants, and distinguished individuals.     The golf clubs served as a prime venue for conducting business, socializing, and indulging in the leisurely sport of golf. Among them, the Royal Perak Golf Club (RPGC) stands out as the most esteemed, boasting a royal standard of golfing excellence.   Here’s a little secret: RPGC houses a glass house restaurant called ‘’Glass House@RPGC,’’ which is open to the public without the need for club membership! Nestled amidst the shade of trees, the glass house offers a serene and elegant dining experience with air conditioning, exuding a blend of contemporary and classical aesthetics. The ambiance captures the essence of the golf club. The amiable owner, Jack Chew, not only extends a warm welcome but also possesses remarkable golfing skills, attaining the level of a coach and boasting a handicap of 1. Golf enthusiasts have the opportunity to receive guidance, share experiences, and even take a swing or two at the driving range under his expert tutelage, undoubtedly reaping invaluable benefits!   From the glass house, one can admire the breathtaking view of the driving range and the lush greenery, accompanied by the mesmerizing beauty of the undulating mountain range. It serves as a gathering place for friends to convene, sip coffee, and engage in leisurely conversations, exemplifying an elegant and stylish lifestyle. It has also become a popular destination for visitors seeking memorable moments and photo-worthy experiences.   If you wish to host an unforgettable party, celebration, special family gathering, or business event, look no further, as this is the ultimate choice! Dining in such a unique environment undoubtedly provides an unparalleled experience. The menu offers a variety of delectable dishes, including basil curry chicken rice, golf ball rice chicken, lamb chop , royal green salad, vegetarian fried rice and many more. Additionally, the meticulously crafted coffee float offers an exploration of flavours and surprises with the combination of coffee and ice cream.   Given the chance to converse with Jack about golf, you will discover that golf is much more than just a sport; it encapsulates wisdom and captivates countless individuals with both love and frustration! If you are a golf enthusiast, conversing with Jack about golf will leave you with the feeling of ‘’listening to a profound golf discourse is superior to ten years of golf studies .’’   Glass House@RPGC is a pork-free restaurant with an indoor seating capacity of 52 and an outdoor dining area that can accommodate over 20 people. It also provides ample free parking ,suitable for private events and gatherings!   Glass House@RPGC Details:  (pork free cafe)  Opening Hours: 10am-10pm Tuesday off  Sat & Sun    9am -10pm   Address: Royal Perak Golf Club, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 31400 Ipoh, Perak. (Located on the left side of the entrance to the Royal Perak Golf Club, next to the driving range)    (Reservations): 011-1317 9944 (WhatsApp available) Remember to make a reservation to secure your seat and avoid disappointment! Read more in Ipoh travel kaki  More business information      read more
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